Saturday, December 15, 2012

the first snow of the year!

its snowing! i love the first snow of the year! its makes Christmas that much closer!
 it's not just because it reminds me of sweet time with family, or yummy food... or giving gifts... it because it reminds me that my savior is awesome... and that this is the time we set aside to rejoice in his birth, and the reason he was born. i never want to lose focus on that...
i hear all the time on the radio, people saying that not hiving (fill in the blank) makes Christmas unhappy... or that people shouldn't have to go without on Christmas... well... i think of the fact that Christ was born without anything! i think i would be OK without anything.... as long as i didn't forget what he did for me! im not trying to put a damper on "Christmas spirit". i love to give gifts and such on Christmas!  i just had the thought "what IS real Christmas spirit?" why do i love Christmas?

i cant wait to share Christmas with my family! sitting down, and reading of Christ's wonderful birth! and enjoying sweet fellowship... (this year we are not opening gifts on Christmas day... we are doing it the day before. )


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