Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Build up, or tear down...

First , i do not claim to be perfect, or better than anyone in this area... it has just been on my mind lately... 

Im just going to cut to the chase... 
It seems that today, women, sometime unknowingly, are tearing at their husband's self worth and confidence in what God made them to be. 

It comes in the little things, like, "he cant cook" or  "when mom is gone, the kids are a wreck, and the house is trashed"...
I hear it so often lately, and mostly in a joking manner... but it makes me think of when I was first married... 
I wanted my husband to be and do all these things... comparing him to other men,( :O yes, I did that!).
Joking about all the things he couldn't do, and never bragging about his attributes... who he was.
 I didn't realize that it was a huge blow to him... 
He was not the man I wanted because I was not encouraging him to be him, to be who he believed God wanted him to be... I was expecting him to be what I saw in others... 
I was convicted... I asked the Lord to help me encourage him to be what he was made to be... 
It started with the kids... I would ask him to do something with the boys, then intricately tell him how to do it, or leave instructions...   Then the lord pricked my heart, and said... "He is their father! " and I thought... If God gives me the things I need to BE as a mommy, he would give Philemon the things he needs to BE the daddy... right?  I can say, Philemon blossomed as a father when I put away all my controlling concerns, and let him to with them as he saw fit, as he followed the Lord's will in raising them... and he is such a good father to them! 
So they don't have matching clothing all the time, or maybe they had dessert before dinner... 
What my husband needs to hear, is that he makes sure they love the Lord, and they are fed, and that he did a great job doing the dishes and keeping them alive!  
You have to admit, its hard to keep a house clean, with toddlers running around... and WE are with them all day....  but i digress... 

I have found that my husband will pay attention to those little things I ask of him that make being mommy easier, if i am bragging about, and thanking him for all the things he is doing right... It stroked his inner need to be the man he should be...the man God wants him to be.

Proverbs 31 talks about the husband being known in the gates... How do I want him known... How is he feeling he is known... Am I making him a leader? or am I forcing him to be...
Yes we joke now and then about those kinds of things together... but think about it... how would you feel if all you ever heard was how the house isn't up to so and so's standards (even though we do this to ourselves anyway)... or how you just don't know how to be a mommy....You are encouraged to be the woman God wants you to be when you husband builds that up in you....

This is not to say that I never ask him to do things, that i normally do, a certain way. Or that I am perfect in what I am thinking about now... 
This was just a thought and has been on my heart to change in me recently..... 
Let's build up our husbands, to help them be what God wants them to be...


  1. Dear Rachel,
    Thank you for sharing what is on your heart--what beautiful and needful words for me, as I am sure others will agree. We all need to encourage, as well as be encouraged; and to pray for one another as we desire to live for Jesus Christ.
    Mrs. Olsen

  2. Something I wished I had learned earlier in our marriage.... like at the very beginning. I guess it's better late than never though. It's good that you are learning to practice this now. It DOES make a HUGE difference... trust me. Hugs, Grace

  3. Yes! Amen! GREAT POST!

    I Also see soooo soooo soooo many people saying unkind things in front of their husbands but more often..saying negative things when they arn't around! YIKES!

    It is very sad to see/hear the negativity!

    A husband is supposed to be your BEST FRIEND. USUALLY...You don't talk negative about your best friend to someone else!

    I try my VERY best to encourage my hubby & always speak well of him! He is my best friend!

    Speaking of him...he just got home =D

    Dinner Time!

  4. When did you get to be so wise my precious daughter ? Love this post!!! You make this Mama's heart rejoice. Keep walking in the Truth of the Lord.
    "I have no greater joy than to hear that mt children walk in Truth." 3rd John 1:4

  5. So wise, Rachel! Thanks for the loving reminder to all of us wives!

    Cyndie :-)
